
Hops. Yeast. BAC. All good things. This blog examines the subculture of fine ale and the discerning, whimsical palette. You don't have to be over 21 to enjoy these postings, but I do recommend you play along at home.


Doppel I Know You From Somewhere?

Aventinus Wheat Doppelbock - Germany - 8.2% ABV

The pour yields a thin, thick head that disappates quickly. The deep amber, almost dark brown, color is pleasing to the eye. Big, spicy aroma is the form a a robust clove smell hits you and you lean in. The initial flavor is must be a ahalmark of this brew, as it complex and unique, delivering hints of chocolate, clove and an undertone of wheat. Excellent, light body with a nice caramel-y thickness in the finish. A very pleasing beer to linger over, even though the body (on the lighter ide, say, compared to a nut ale) and lack of overpowering alcohol aroma does not requite it be a sipping beer. This is a fine, drinkable darker beer with the lightness of a hefeweizen and the richness of an ale. Pilsner glass may even prevent some of the aroma from escaping, but it is a fine vessel nonetheless.

Four Steins


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